St George RAM lodge 553
On 14th March Brother David Dixon was installed into Commanders Chair of St George Royal Ark Mariner Lodge by W Bro Barry Elman.
W Bro David Emmerson attended the meeting representing the Provincial Grand Master. Due to personal circumstances, the Commander W Bro Colin Svenson was unable to perform the installation, however his good friend, W Bro Barry stepped and offered to install Bro David Dixon.  W Bro Barry has known Bro David Dixon for many years and was very pleased to perform the Ceremony, which Barry performed in an excellent and sincere manner.
At the completion of the ceremony W Bro David Emmerson congratulated all concerned for an excellent ceremony. The newly installed Commander then presented a cheque of £ 200 on behalf of the lodge.
Bro David Dixon is well known in the Craft for his hard work on behalf of Masonic Charities. During the festive Board mention was made regarding David's father who was fondly remembered by members of the Lodge.
The Brethren were treated to a fine meal and great fellowship with a lot of friendly and humorous banter which is not unusual in Garston Masonic Hall.
Words and pictures by Jack Parker